Spinal Injury Lawyer Serving Alberta & Saskatchewan - Ludwar Law Firm
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Legal Claims for Spinal Injuries in Alberta & Saskatchewan

Your back holds everything together and carries nerves to your entire body. Any spine injury can affect your:

  • Ability to move, including your ability to drive, lift things, sit for extended periods of time and perform most normal functions
  • Senses, including numbness, tingling, or shooting pains as a result of nerve damage
  • Ability to function without repair surgery, hardware, and extensive rehabilitation

Spinal Injury Lawyer

There may be any number of reasons why you suffered back injury. It could be due to a car accident, pedestrian accident, slip-and-fall, injury at work, or a sports injury.


Whatever the cause, back injuries can take a very long time to heal, and some do not heal at all. If you are suffering chronic back pain from an accident, or suffering other effects of a back injury, the key is to wait for full recovery or maximum medical improvement. It's important not to settle your file until either of those points has occurred.


Our Calgary neck injury and nerve damage lawyer can help you determine when that recovery time will be, and can help you get compensation under Alberta personal injury law for your losses while you have been injured. We can get medical professionals to come in and help determine:

  • Severity of your injuries
  • Prognosis in terms of recovery
  • Likelihood of persistent pain throughout your life
  • Full recovery time
  • Effect of chronic pain and disability on your life


More than that, we can help you in your recovery by making sure you don't have to worry about your lawsuit or disability claim, and can concentrate on the rest of your life.

Contact Ludwar Law Firm

Contact Ludwar Law Firm today to discuss your spinal and nerve injuries.

Book Your Consultation

The first consultation at Ludwar Law Firm in Calgary is free and can be done at your convenience.

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